Tuesday, August 14, 2018


My Dearest Princess,

In every tone in the softness of the words you speak in synonym of the admiration i have for you, rests on the white of your teeth like a smile within a smile that speaks the emotions my words were to afraid to mispronounce.

For even on days where the scars the world's weight rests on my back, the sun still shines its radiance within the skin of your shoulder blades, in whose warmth i bury my face and kiss the confidant spine of the woman whose chest holds my heart.

You are beautiful, brilliant, tenacious, and everything i've grown to love in the world and like a monk in his shrine, i shall memorize the pages of a self tenative script so that in knowing myself, I may know all the ways to love you more.


Friday, August 10, 2018


Even in the moments where I dwell on a time where my internsity will fade and my memory will dry, i deam of the luxury of your hands running through my hair and your lips who at their smallest touch, amputate the fear and loathing of a broken man. You have replaced the hollow void with flowers and satin so they may cherish and water love's seed within me. Within the very chambers of my heart, you plant them as a beacon where dark rooms tighten life's grasp and in the closing of those walls, you have freed me of such claustrophobic tendencies so i may stop and smell the roses or the smell of clean linens that always lingers on your sleeve.

As every new moment sparks the evergrowing love you have embedded into my chest, I lay around it a vase to hold it's growth hearted in my soul so in each day, my roots may reach a little closer to you.


Thursday, August 9, 2018


May this note be read as sheet music,

For I continue on a search for a word available within my vernacular capable of sustaining the intensitiy in which my love for you burns.I realize now that these failed attempts rests within looking for perfection beneath a language of so much flaw that it's grasp holds no weight over you.

I get lost in you like i do in that of an instrument where every touch, every sound, every vibration covering the pacges of my heart like a Jackson Pollock painting, splattering emotion over me. Only the joy of a carefully placed hand upon my ivory fingers may prove a melody that may dream of coming close.

So as i continue to learn and grow with you as the days run together, as do my words in their search to find a new to tell you the wonder i feel in staring into your eyes beneath the light of a thousand stars, anxious to see if they can capture the light your smile holds. May no words compare to the songs you speak into my chest that spread like wildfire through my veins and fill me with the warmth of your voice.



My Dearest Princess,

The day my feelings grew to the point of telling you I love you, I thought I could never find a more blissful moment just as that of when you and my mind dance with one another. But every day spent with you and in every gaze; every gaze into the doors of your eyes and every tough of your fingertips against my skin and every note of every syllable of every word that you speak, I prove wrong when I thought i couldn't fall any more in love with you.

A long pen holds greater than a short memory and with a chalk grip i will continue to mark the days on the rocks of the cave walls in my head like hieroglyphics in an attempt to to recreate a picture of a smile whose lines where carved by god himself. In a clenched fist, i hold the softness of your lips and every kind word spoken so that i may play them back and relive the light that shines through the shadows of any uncertainty.

You fell for a man who is messy and sometimes as illegible as my handwriting, but a lost puppy who will follow you to the ends of every page to find home in the warmth of your embrace.



I'm not a poet, but with every new poem written, love becomes harder to write as i quickly fill this page with the letters in my head so that in a sloppy pen stroke, i may hope to catch a description of words far beyond their depiction, for the mere thought of your ridiculousness has throgh self-caged passion, from my heart's prison breaks and as carefully placed as your lip's touch on the back of my neck, is set on my sleeve in invisible ink so that those who know me may know the roots of my warmth are incarnate of every sound of your affection for me echoing vibration through my head.

Even words drudged with filth in their nature, spoken through your lips have gifted my ears with sounds more beautiful than first morning's light.

I'm not a poet because though writing dwells on its passions where the pen kisses the paper in a dance of vernaculary tap, i've till now not known a passion of my own worth writing for,

So i guess it's good i'm not a poet because of the unfathomable combinations of twenty six letters, you leave me speechless.



A word whose absense echoes through the abyss of things i had forgotten until you came in like a black hole, tearing my doubts apart by their definition and sending their matter through space during times though unexpected, but when i needed them the most.

Love is a risk, but one worth wearing my hands to build the chain mail you wear to slay deamons i thought i no longer knew. Trees pf insecurity root themselves in my very fabrication, but those branches split into paths of fear and exhileration and the dew of its leaves water the fountain of youth in which i bask in the radiance of your laugh.

Though life provides no reason to prove the world worth, i have the world to prove to you.

So though love always has its risks of falling, i would take those risks a thousand times, for a thousand times in a day, i fall for you.


Poetry From Sempai

My dearest Lily-Chan,

Upon first looking eyes upon you, you have graced my vision with the utmost beauty. Every moment since then, my life has become that of a gracious knight to whom his Princess he shall greatly gift with a thousand letters professing his love that ever grows stronger upon each sunrise.

So in a grand effort to keep these letters from ever fading, I present them to you in away they may always be accessible in any moment where they may be needed.



My Dearest Princess, In every tone in the softness of the words you speak in synonym of the admiration i have for you, rests on the white ...